How Bed Bugs Find Their Way Into Baltimore Homes

Bed bugs are mysterious insects. When they find their way into your home, it is likely you’ll have many questions. How did they get in? What do they look like? Are they going to spread to my friends’ and family’s homes when they visit? We’re going to take a look at some of these common questions and share a few basic facts every Baltimore resident should know about these pests. If you are concerned about bed bug bites and bed bug control in Baltimore, you’ll find answers here. If you need a professional bed bug treatment, contact us at any time. ATC Pest Control uses innovative solutions and tried-and-true methods to achieve effective and sustainable control of bed bugs. With that said, let’s dig into our subject matter for today.


What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Have you seen a bed bug in a news report or on the internet? If so, you may immediately have an answer to this question. Bed bugs in Baltimore look like apple seeds with legs. But bed bugs don’t always look like this. They’re also not easy to locate, so you may not see them at all. Let us explain.

Identifying Bed Bugs: There are many ways you may detect a bed bug in your home. The easiest way to examine bed bug identification is to consider these potential encounters.

  • You’re watching television in the evening and you look at your arm. Attached to your skin is a tiny red insect. You swat it, and it leaves a red smear of blood. What on earth was it? Most likely, you just saw a bed bug. A newly hatched nymph is about one millimeter long and is hungry for its first meal. Baby bed bugs are what you’ll most likely see in your home. They can bite you while you’re fully awake.
  • You’re making your bed. As you pull the covers down, you see a tiny tan insect disappear into the folds. When you search for it, no insect is found. Bed bug nymphs often look tannish yellow with a hint of black appearing within the insect. They range from one to four millimeters in length.
  • You think you may have a bed bug infestation. As you pull your bed apart, you notice something moving inside a gap in your bed frame. When you shine a light in there, you can tell that whatever is tucked in there has legs. Bed bugs hide from the light. If you see something moving in a gap and it doesn’t want to come out, you’re likely looking at bed bugs.
  • You move a couch cushion for a quick vacuum cleaning. Tucked in a tiny spot about the size of your thumbnail are a dozen apple seed-shaped insects, some black-colored insects, one red, and a few white insects. That is a full-blown bed bug infestation. You’ll also see shed skins, black fecal matter, and brown stains. Use your vacuum to suck them up immediately.      

There are many ways to uncover bed bugs or to catch a glimpse of them. Sadly, it is rare to see bed bugs. They’re so good at hiding that many Baltimore residents ask us if they’re microscopic insects. Let’s quickly look at a few places you may find these bugs in your home if you use a flashlight and a tool to probe around in cracks and crevices.

Where Bed Bugs Hide:  We touched on the places bed bugs hide. They prefer tight spaces, darkness, and locations in your home where you sleep, sit, or lounge. Here are a few specific examples.

  • You know bed bugs hide in your bed. They have the word “bed” in their name, after all. But you can inspect your bed and not find a single bed bug. They hide inside mattresses that have rips, around vent grommets, underneath labels, in frame gaps, and in mattress seams. You’ll likely need to dig and probe to find them.
  • You know that bed bugs might hide in your couch. We pointed that out above. But where in your couch will you find them? They tuck themselves in the seams of cushions, within pockets and folds, inside cushions where there are zippers or rips, in the gaps of the framing, and in any tight space where cushions touch.
  • Bed bugs don’t have to live in a bed, couch, or chair. They may live near these items. You could find them hiding in an alarm clock, computer, bed stand, duffel bag, pocketbook, piece of luggage, hardback book, laundry bin, guitar, piano, etc. They can be in any object that has a recess or a void.
  • Bed bugs can hide in the structure of your home. They get into wall outlets, wall voids, and other structural voids. They hide under carpet edges, behind crown molding, behind baseboards, and more.

When you detect bed bugs in your home, there are a few simple facts you should know about them. The more you know, the greater the chances are that you’ll stop bed bugs early and prevent them from making your life miserable.

Bed Bug Bites Are Usually The First Sign Of A Problem

You don’t have to see bed bugs in your home to know you have a bed bug infestation. We’re sure you know this. Bed bugs bite. These insects eat blood and have a preference for human blood, but as you know, there are many insects that bite. How can you tell that bed bugs are the insects biting you? Do they cause big welts? Are bed bug bites itchy? Where do they appear on your skin? Here are some quick facts to help you identify bed bug bites.

  • Bed bug bites range from invisible to swollen bumps. There are many factors that impact the severity of the bites.
  • Bed bug bites are often itchy, but not always.
  • Bed bug bites are numerous. Each bug will typically bite three times during feeding.
  • Bed bugs feed as a group. The bites they leave will appear on one area of your body.
  • Bed bugs move across the skin, each biting more than once. You may notice that the bites look like a path on your skin.
  • Bed bug bites are typically associated with a significant rash, but not always.

When you see many small bites on your skin and a noticeable rash, it is time to inspect your home and look for bed bugs. If you need assistance, remember that ATC Pest Control is available to help. We can find the bugs and provide you with the information you need to arrest your infestation.

How Bed Bugs Hitch Rides Into Our Homes

When you find bed bugs in your home, should it concern you? Can your friends and family still visit? How do bed bugs spread? Whether you’re attempting to protect yourself from picking bed bugs up while away from home or hoping to prevent people from getting bed bugs from your home, these facts will help.  

  • Bed bugs tend to stay in one spot at first. They’ll establish themselves near a bed, couch, or chair.
  • It takes a few weeks for bed bugs to grow a population large enough to spread. You should see bites. Make sure everyone in your family is aware of what bed bug bites look like on the skin. Teach them how to identify the insects as well.
  • You should see black fecal spots or brown spots on sheets, bedding, and clothing as the infestation grows. Keep watch.
  • Bed bugs are most active at night. When someone spends the night with you, or you spend the night somewhere away from home, these insects can climb into bags, pockets, pocketbooks, and other items. 
  • If an infestation grows, and bed bugs appear at dawn or dusk inside your home, no one is safe to enter your home. These insects can get onto them in many ways. One example is a friend could sit on your couch and have a bed bug climb out of hiding and into a pants pocket.

There are many ways to address a bed bug infestation. You may inspect your home and use a vacuum to suck them up. You may wash and dry sheets, bedding, and clothing. If you catch them where they’re hiding, you may quickly get rid of them—if they haven’t spread. But keep in mind that it is best to find local pest control for bed bugs. Let’s quickly look at why this is the case.

Contact The Pros At The First Sign Of Bed Bugs

The sooner you contact ATC Pest Control for bed bug control in Baltimore, the greater your chances will be of preventing their spread. Not only will this protect the people you love from bringing bed bugs home with them, you’ll deter them from bringing bed bugs back from their homes after you’ve addressed the infestation in yours. Contact ATC Pest Control for professional bed bug pest control in Baltimore. We’ll help you find the fastest and most effective solution to make sure these bugs don’t get a chance to make you any more miserable than they already have. Connect with us today for assistance.

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