Stinging Insect Identification & Prevention

Stinging insects

What You Need To Know About Wildlife In Baltimore

Many species of wild animals have become very comfortable in urban areas. Learning about the common wildlife species in Baltimore, Maryland, can help you familiarize yourself with their wants and needs. Read through this pest guide to learn about wildlife and how to keep them from making themselves comfortable in your indoor or outdoor spaces with effective pest control in Baltimore.

Frequently Asked Questions About Stinging Insects

What are stinging insects?

Stinging insects in Baltimore include several species that you may or may not be familiar with – all of these species are known to invade our properties from time to time and cause issues. The most common time to see stinging insects active around your property is in late summer and fall.

The main types of stinging insects you need to look out for in our area include bees, wasps, yellow jackets, and bald-faced hornets. Most of these species have distinctive yellow and black patterning with a stinger on the end of their abdomen, but some may be solid colors of black, brown, red, or even blue.

ATC Pest Control provides more assistance with stinging insect identification.

Are stinging insects dangerous?

Stinging insects are dangerous due to their aggressive nature and the risk of allergic reactions associated with their stings. A nest of stinging insects on your property might be hidden, leading to accidents as you or those you care about stumble across active nests. Reactions to stinging insect stings range from pain and swelling to anaphylaxis, which must be treated with immediate medical attention.

Why do I have a stinging insect problem?

Your property most likely has a stinging insect problem because of factors attracting this pest. Easy access to food, water, and nesting areas encourages stinging insects to fly to your property and stick around for as long as possible. Effective stinging insect control involves removing these attractants from your property as well as any active nests.

Where will I find stinging insects?

Stinging insects are most commonly seen nesting outdoors, either in trees, in holes in the ground, or with their nests hanging from the eaves of decks, patios, and roofing. Some stinging insects may also build their nests along the siding of human structures or invade interior spaces to create their nests in attics or wall voids.

How do I get rid of stinging insects?

Get rid of the worst stinging insects around your property by contacting ATC Pest Control at the first signs of this pest. Our technicians make sure to customize stinging insect removal solutions to your property’s needs, eliminating this pest and returning your property to safety.

Contact us today to learn more about our stinging insect and home pest control solutions or to get started.

How can I prevent stinging insects in the future?

Prevent stinging insect problems in the future by following our expert advice below for deterring this dangerous pest:

  • Replace sweet-smelling flowers around outdoor areas with plants that deter stinging insects, such as marigolds and cucumbers.
  • Address leaks or moisture issues that contribute to humid conditions and pools of excess water that might attract stinging insects or their prey.
  • Remove infestations of stinging insect pest prey with the assistance of ATC Pest Control.
  • Clear outdoor areas of debris piles, overgrown foliage and grasses, and woodpiles, and fill in holes in the ground that may host nesting stinging insects.

Reach out to ATC Pest Control today for more information on stinging insect prevention or assistance eliminating infestations of this pest.

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